The Review of May and June – Harold’s Anniversary, Beefs & Beers, and Van Geenen in ALURVS

Published on: 5 July 2023, Rijssen

In this section each month we look back at the previous month. We highlight one of the highlights and discuss it in more detail. A great project, a new machine or a special event; this is the May and June Flashback.

Harold’s 25th Work Anniversary

We are immensely proud of our employees, but occasionally, we shine the spotlight on someone special when they have something to celebrate. Last month, it was the case for Harold Stolmeijer. Harold, who is versatile within our company, has been with Van Geenen for 25 years. It’s a significant milestone that we, as a company, of course had to celebrate in style. We honored Harold’s anniversary with a joyful party, attended by his friends and family. We would like to thank Harold once again for his many years of dedication. We hope to enjoy his presence for many more years to come.

Harold 25 years in service.

Fig. 1 Harold 25 years in service.

Beefs & Beers

In addition to hard work, Van Geenen also makes time for relaxation. That’s why the guys from Beefs & Beers came over for a barbecue workshop on our beautiful rooftop terrace. Under the sun, we savored delicious cuts of meat, prepared by our own people, paired with matching craft beers. It was a highly successful afternoon!

Beef & Beers.

Fig. 2 Beef & Beers.

New Section

Regularly, we showcase what we do on our website and social media. Polished parts, large plates, or high-tech cleaning; it’s all featured. However, we don’t just want to show what we do but also who we are. Because behind every product, there’s a story. The story of our exceptional team members. That’s why we’ve created the section ‘The Face Behind.’ The first episode features Jorin and can be read here.

How Jorin (25) made himself indispensable with Van Geenen in 10 years.

‘Van Geenen Hand in Hand with Architecture’

For the fifth edition of ALURVS in 2023, Van Geenen was asked to write an article about the connection to architecture. Of course we wouldn’t let such an invitation pass us by, so we wrote an extensive article about Van Geenen, architecture, PVD coatings, and Nanocoatings. The full article can be read here. Prefer to read the entire online magazine of ALURVS? You can do so here.

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